Paper Therapy: Online Journal Writing Course – TBC
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Date(s) - 04/04/2022
6:00 am - 12:00 pm
Online Course
This four-week journaling class introduces a range of creative journaling prompts delivered twice a week.
The creative journaling prompts have been carefully designed to give you an inner and outer perspective on life, dreams and desires that may have been neglected as well as tools and techniques for living your best life.
The course has been described as ‘transformative’, ‘the best thing I have done online’, and ‘every woman should have a go’.
It will teach you the discipline of journaling using creative and practical examples as well as how to get the most from your journal writing, how journaling can help you to manifest and craft your creative ideas, and how your journaling can help you regulate and manage emotions and feelings.
I love teaching this class and I serve as the course coach and mentor whilst also supporting those who wish to engage in the online forum that accompanies the programme.
This is not therapy, but it deals with therapeutic topics and content.
I am a trained coach, coach supervisor and psychotherapist. I have been in weekly therapy for the last four years.
If you want to find out more about me, and what makes me tick, head over to my Instagram page @jackeeholderinspires
I believe in being transparent. I have a rich life, not a perfect life. I am successful in many areas of my life but I also make mistakes, and I learn loads from my mistakes. I am a deep thinker who can sometimes be scattered with all my different interests and passions.
My close family members and friends describe me as quirky. Some difficult family relationships were my first real motivation for journaling and it is still a topic that I find productive to journal about.
I am thoroughly organised when it comes to reading non-fiction books and remembering exactly where I saw a great quote, but not always so well organised in other areas of my life.
When it comes to journaling I am on point. I have been journaling for over thirty years and I have over a hundred filled journals and notebooks.
I read extensively. I write articles and am regularly interviewed globally on radio and podcasts on the topic of ‘writing for health and well being.’ Mention the word ‘journal or journaling’ and I am there.
I’d love to support you on Paper Therapy. This course is an excellent investment in a number of ways, as continuous personal or professional development or if you are working in the coaching, therapy, mental health or the helping professions.
Paper Therapy will introduce you to a wide range of therapeutic journaling exercises for use with yourself, clients or therapeutic work groups.
The Paper Therapy Course Guide:
Week 1 Finding Your Feet
Week 2 Writing & Journaling Prompts
Week 3 Emotional Therapy & Working With Your Inner Critic
Chill Out Week
Week 4 Pulling It All Together
Each set of lessons is multi layered, meaning you can do as little or as much as you like bearing in mind the deeper you dive the more you will take away with you.
The course is ideal if you:
- Find yourself feeling overwhelmed and would love to find an easy, organic way to slow down
- You feel a panic about your level of success yet have a sinking feeling that you are not really doing what you love or what makes you feel whole.
- You have a sense there must be more to life than this
- You have ideas you want to manifest or make happen but never seem to find the time to get things off the ground.
- You long to get back in touch with the person you believe you really are
- You have ideas and goals you’d really love to realise
- You want to live a life that feels more meaningful and true to what makes you feel alive
Coaches, therapists, senior lecturers, probation officers, librarians, graphic designers, small business owners and senior leaders have joined the Paper Therapy journey.
New dates will be announced shortly.
Please get in touch with any questions or queries about the course.
Once you register you’ll receive a welcome email from me welcoming you onto the course, together with details of how to prepare yourself for the class.
Learn About Jackee and Her Journey
My journey

I followed a traditional academic career, which includes a degree in Government and Politics and a master’s degree in Creative Writing and Personal Development. I hold post-graduate qualifications in Executive Coaching and Youth and Community Work. I have over twenty years experience in training and learning and development, creative writing and spiritual development along with fifteen years experience in leadership and executive coaching. I have invested over twenty years in my own personal and professional development and this is something I continue to be fully committed to. I have always been interested in the spiritual side of life and in 2002 I was ordained as an interfaith minister and spiritual counsellor. I am a self confessed self help book junkie and lover of trees which I blog about at I understand the power of keeping a journal and view the journal as both a truth teller and a soul catcher. When we consciously engage with writing at this level we write both the truth and the language of the soul. It is from this place that true leadership, passion and life purpose emerges from. I so believe in the alchemy that flows when we write journals and have witnessed first hand the transformational energy that keeping a journal generates. I have walked my own path of trauma and life and work challenges and my journal has been a trusted friend in helping me make sense of many of those experiences. I consider myself both a student and a teacher. The two for me are always shifting and changing. I have achieved my dream of one day becoming a writer. My hundred or more journals are a living testimony to this. Anything more from here really is a delightful bonus.
More About Jackee

Jackee Holder is well loved for her heart-warming talks and keynotes, her inspirational retreats and workshops and her commitment to the power of the written word. This London born writer, coach and teacher knows what it is to overcome adversity, what it takes to live outside the expected traditions and norms of family life and what it takes to work with change. She is the author of three published books,
Soul Purpose: Self affirming rituals, meditations and creative exercises to revive your spirit, Be Your Own Best Life Coach: Take Charge and Live The Life You Want and
49 Ways To Write Yourself Well: The Science and Wisdom Of Writing and Journaling along with several e-books and writing kits including,
The Journal Journey Guidebook, 52 Quotes To Inspire Your Inner Writer, The Wheel of Life Tree Playbook and Life Audit and Writing With The Senses. Jackee’s work has been featured across the globe including several features and appearances in Psychologies magazine (UK), Red Magazine, Mslexia and coaching and therapy journals including Coaching At Work and Coaching Today. She has an international media collection of podcast interviews, which can be located at Jackee describes herself as the girl who loves trees and the woman who loves to walk and wander. She currently lives in London.
Questions about the programme?
How much time does the programme require?
At the very minimum is 7 hours, one hour for every week of the programme. You’re free to break the hour down and complete the lessons as they arrive or chunk them up and do them all in one go. Don’t worry if you fall behind (all the materials will be loaded up and waiting on the site for you once you sign back in), this really is about the journey, not the destination and you have access to the course for a whole year afterwards and most of the lessons have a genetic timeline. But our evaluations of the programme confirm that the more time you invest the more you are likely to get out of the programme.
I just don’t have as much time as I thought I would so there’s very little hope of me getting to do any of these lessons?
Everyone in some way, shape or form is challenged by time, myself included. My question to you is not how you will create or free up space for this course but how you will best use the time you have. By this what I mean is how can you write during and amongst the daily routines of your day? For example if you take public transport to work can you write for 20 minutes during one leg or part of the journey? If you drive into work could you leave 20 minutes earlier and spend those extra twenty minutes writing behind the wheel of your parked car? You get the drift. I’d love you to think about writing in the in-between spaces in your day.
I’m not someone who likes to write and I’m not a good writer
You don’t have to like to write to gain from the many benefits writing and journaling offers. Very early on in the course it will be explained that you can be grammatically incorrect and not worry about spelling. What’s more important is that you write what you feel or sense and it does not in any way need to be perfect. Remember these words are for your eyes only and you only share what feels comfortable to share. Secondly we’ve included video interviews and other creative mediums including collaging and using visual images as part of the overall ‘Paper Therapy’ so you get to play and experiment with a number of creative ways of hanging out in your journals and notebooks.
I’ve fallen behind and it feels like too much to try and catch up?
Here at Paper Therapy we advocate, one thing at a time. So if this is you we invite you to contemplate, what one activity from the lesson could I have a go at that would get me moving and back into the body of the course. It doesn’t matter if you go straight to the current lesson or you go back to the last activity you did. Just do it as Nike said is probably the easiest way to get you back into the swing of things.
Halfway through and I don’t think the course is for me
Don’t worry, this feeling has happened to the best of us. I paid £100 for an on-line programme and only kicked in a couple of classes before the course was due to end. I learnt a huge lesson from that experience. Firstly I was waiting for the perfect moment to get going and of course the perfect moment just didn’t come. Secondly I learnt that I was facing a big fear and rather than recognise how close I was to getting excited I froze which created a block. The best thing I could have done was to keep moving until I arrived at some kind of breakthrough, which inevitably is likely to happen.